The Bear Valley Freeride Team is off to a great start! To date, they have participated in Tahoe Junior Freeride Series (TJFS ) #1 and #2. Stop 1 was in Sugar Bowl on Disney Nose during the 1/4-5 weekend and was blessed with the snowfall on that Friday afternoon. Stop 2 was 1/11-1/12 in Palisades at Enchanted Forest off KT-22 where conditions were not ripe for a Free ride competition. They had competitors at both events in U15 and U19.
At Sugar Bowl, Flynn Gurushanthaiah represented BV Freeride U15. He tumbled but kept his gear on and finished his run. In U19, Michael Zaslavsky, Andrew Moore, Saxon Schreiber and Cameron Smith competed. Saxon placed the highest at Sugar Bowl at 14 with Cam getting 18th and Andrew 21st. Michael lost a ski at Sugar Bowl and was unfortunately disqualified.
At Stop #2, Palisades, Zachary Zaslavsky competed in his first competition. Flynn tumbled but kept his gear on and finished his run while Zach stayed upright the whole time to place at 29th. In U19, Michael Zaslavsky and Andrew Moore competed. Jasper Harris joined at Palisades for the snowboard competition
Freeride Coach, Todd Berg says the important thing is that they all got their stoke on and skied and rode hard living by the Freeride slogan “Go big or go home!” Wish them luck at the upcoming competition at Kirkwood on 1/25-26 and pray that the weather changes! Our first U12 competition will be at Diamond Peak on 2/2 where we will have representation as well.